When ever the status is changed / updated in SO need to do some operations, where I can write my code?

When ever the status is changed / updated in SO need to do some operations, where I can write my code?

Thanks in Advance

Hi Bobby,

  1. You have to write your code at the “Status” field modified method.

Override modified method in the form datasource --t> Status field → modified().

  1. Also write your code in the update method of your table with the following condition :

if (this.orig().status != this.status)


//Your code




Its actually an incorrect solution. The status on salesTable header is always a system update and never get changed manually, so, the modified field will be never called. system does to maintain the consistency between the status update of SalesTable and SalesLine.

Long story short - Your code needs to go in : Classes\SalesTableType\udpateBackStatus method

Hope it work for you.
