What is the difference on Dataverse Connection Setup - SDK Version 9 vs 91?

Business Central Version 20.0.37253.38055

Does anyone know what the differences are in SDK version 9 vs 91 in the “Dataverse Connection Setup” Page?

I just had a system outage after the Version 20 upgrade which took down dataverse connections on a few companies. After flipping enough options, I found that the SDK Version 9 was causing the issues. Changing to version 91 resolved.

Was getting this error:

A file for a Dataverse solution could not be found.

AL call stack:
“CDS Integration Impl.”(CodeUnit 7201).ProcessConnectionFailures line 17 - Base Application by Microsoft
“CDS Integration Impl.”(CodeUnit 7201).SignInCDSAdminUser - Base Application by Microsoft
“CDS Connection Setup Wizard”(Page 7201).“SignInAdmin - OnDrillDown”(Trigger) line 6 - Base Application by Microsoft

The fire is resolved but I would like to know what I just changed.

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the differences between SDK version 9 and 91 in the “Dataverse Connection Setup” page in Business Central Version 20.0.37253.38055. We understand the importance of understanding the changes you made and their impact on your system.

SDK versions 9 and 91 refer to different versions of the Software Development Kit (SDK) for Business Central. The SDK is a collection of tools, libraries, and documentation that developers use to customize and extend the functionality of Business Central.

Based on your description, it appears that the issue you experienced with the dataverse connections after the Version 20 upgrade was related to the SDK version. Changing from SDK version 9 to version 91 resolved the problem.

While we don’t have the specific release notes for SDK versions 9 and 91 in front of us, it is possible that version 91 includes bug fixes, improvements, or compatibility enhancements that address the error you encountered. Upgrading to a newer SDK version often introduces optimizations and resolves known issues.

To obtain detailed information about the differences between SDK versions 9 and 91, we recommend referring to the official documentation or release notes provided by Microsoft for Business Central. These resources will provide comprehensive information about the changes, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in each SDK version.

Additionally, we advise consulting with your system administrator or IT support team, as they may have further insights into the specific changes made between the SDK versions and their impact on your system.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the system outage, and we are glad to hear that changing the SDK version resolved the issue. If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.