Weird error with Dialog


I get an extremely weird error when trying to use the standard progress bar type dialog

“Control-ID (1) is being used by the TextBox named ‘Control1’.”

The code looks like this, it’s basically copy-paste from report 81:

Text001 + ‘’ +
@1@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@’ +

The weird thing is that it works beautifully if i change the global text constant Text001 into the literal ‘Text001’ or any other literal. Also it worked perfectly until I stopped debugging and ran it live for the first time.

Now it keeps on repeating this error no matter what I do. The code never advances past Window.Open and it will generate hundreds of error messages until I restart NAV

Text001 is a ConstvalueML that just says “Reading Excel File”

I haven’t got a textbox named Control1 so this is really baffling

NAV Version SE 4.0
SP1,PE2.07,KO1191 (5.0 SP1)



Problem solved.

Turns out I had a %1 in Text001 and since it wasn’t fed with a variable it broke down.

The error message however is most unhelpful :frowning: