Warning messages in counting journal AX 2009

Hi all…

I have some problem with AX 2009. I did counting journal for stock opname and to adjust the stock at my company 2 weeks ago. I wrote the counted stock at “counted” field. If the quantity is bigger than “on-hand” there will be no problem, but if the stock at counted is less than on-hand (so the quantity is minus), I can’t post the counting journal and there’s an infolog: (number of minus quantity) can’t be picked because only 0.00 is available from the inventory. Till now, I can’t post that journal.

Here’s the example:

Item number W123 → onhand: 632 → counted: 58 → quantity: -574

Infolog : -574 cannot be picked because only 0.00 is available from the inventory.

The question is: How to solve the infolog? Because there’s so many lines with log, so I can’t finish the stock opname. Any idea??

Thanks Big Smile


so here you want to reduce the inventory by 574 and you actual inventory has to be 58. is it so?



Yes… the actual stock is 58… i want to post the journal,but there’s always infolog…

how to make the end quantity become 58?

Basically at the combination of dimensions defined i.e site and warehouse etc, you do not have 574 available to remove. You need to verify all dimensions are in line and that you physically have 574 at the combination you are trying to remove teh stock from.