Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal - Error - NEED Inventory Expert!!!

We are using NAV 2009 R2 for 6 months now and so far we have major inventory issues. We need HELP!!! Partner is not able to assist and we hope one of you will be able to.

One of the errors we get:

Quantity must be greater than 0.00004 in Bin Content Location Code = 'XXX", Bin Code = ‘YYY’, Item No. = ‘ZZZZ’, Variant Code = ‘’, Unit of Measure Code = ‘TT’

“0.00004” changes from item to item, but we have about 10-15 items/lots with this issue. thanks

Welcome to DUG!!!

When you are getting this error in Phy Journal.

Is it while Posting or Calculating Inventory ??


The message leads me to think you are posting a negative adjustment. What is the quantity in that bin of that item when you are trying to post? What is the qty on the adjustment?