Voucher Lines


Vendor Invoice journal - Lines - Functions - Breakdown.

Could i know how does the voucher breakdown works in Axapta ? Please explain the functionality with an example ?


I have following entry and not clear how to pass the entry against the vendor Bill - 405 using the vendor invoice journal.

Account Type Account Account Name Amount Sales Tax

Ledger 130500 - Cleaning Charges - $1000 $ 15

Ledger 130790 - Installation Charg - $ 2000 $ 25

vendor VEN01 - Metro Cleaning Ltd - $3000.

As mentioned above i have created the 3 lines in the invoice journal and selected the sales tax code and item sales tax group for the first 2 lines and ST calucated and when post the invoice journal sales tax not posted to vendor account , just posted the $ 3000 . not posted the sales tax amount .

Voucher Entry Should post as mentioned below.

Account Credit Amount Debit amount

130500 - $ 1000

130790 - $ 2000

Vendor - $ 3040

Sales tax - $ 40

I have tried using the break down of the voucher , but did not get the expected results.

Could i know how to pass the above entry ?

Any help ?