Vendor payments module for danish Financial 2.01

Hi Can anyone please tell me if there are any modules for vendor payments and electronical bankpayments that work with a danish Financial 2.01 ? Our customer want to find dueable payments in Financial, make a file and import the file into their banking program (Sparnord Bank). If the system can import a file back into Financials from the banking program, this would also be nice. I know of NaviPartners Multi-bank and Celenias Payment Management, but neither of them seems to support version 2.01. Do you know any other solutions ? Best regards Lars

Hi, What about NaviBanking (also by Celenia)? (This topic really belongs in the danish forum).


What about NaviBanking (also by Celenia)?

Isnt it the same product, just different versions ?


(This topic really belongs in the danish forum).

Oops, I forgot that there was a danish forum. Thanks for your reply /Lars