i have a card form and i want the user to enter values into some of the controls placed on the form and once the user enters values into these controls i want to perform some validation checks on the the values entered and then only allow the user to the other tabs.how do i go about this?
Kumar, if i understand your question right then you can perform these checks by placing code on the OnValidate trigger of the fields or the controls if the controls are from a base table then place the code at table level or else if the controls are at form level then place the checks on the form level. you could even write a function and call it everytime from the OnValidate trigger of the control rather than writting the same code on each and every control hope it helps Vishal Navision Certified Solutions Developer Edited by - vshal on 2001 Nov 07 06:44:16
Before begining work on your project you may want to consider that forcing the user to stay on a certain tab or enter data in a specific order is against the way standard Navision is written. This means your modification will not blend seamlessly with Navision and thus will not be intuitive as the rest of the system. Bill Benefiel Manager of Information Systems Overhead Door Company billb@ohdindy.com (317) 842-7444 ext 117
A couple of things: Vishal: your method won’t work if the user goes directly to a tab without filling the validate-checked fields… Kumar: The better approach to what you’re wanting to do using Navision standard work is creating a card form with just the fields you want to check (just the tab you’re trying to check) and then using a button for going to the tab card form you want after checking that the contents of those fields is correct. Regards, Alfonso Pertierra (Spain)apertierra@teleline.es
if you are using navision attain, it has a new intuitive form interface similar to the wizards in navision. the new form interface uses a linear method to guide the users to key in information screen by screen. maybe that is what you want?