Validate Range.

Hi All,

I have one table with three fields Code, fromWeight and toWeight.

I want a validation in order to prevent overlapping of fromWeight and Toweight range.

Please Help.

hello moumita

Why dont you use validateField method.

Hi kumar,

Since the validation depends on two field , so validate field will not work properly.

I have used validate write as follows :

public boolean validateWrite()
boolean ret;

NIM_ItemWeightBucket ItemWtBucket1,ItemWtBucket2,ItemWtBucket3,ItemWtBucket4,ItemWtBucket5;
real i,j,k;


ret=checkFailed(“Set default Unit ID in invent parameter”);
while select ItemWtBucket1
select count(RecId) from ItemWtBucket2 where (ItemWtBucket2.FromWeight==i || ItemWtBucket2.ToWeight==i);
ret=checkFailed("This range already exists/ Range overlaping not allowed ");


return ret;

But it may not be correct way to solve the purpose, so that I have asked you all if any one could give me a right solution.

Hello Das

check below code it will use to you.

public boolean validateField(fieldId _fieldIdToCheck)
boolean ret;

ret = super(_fieldIdToCheck);

switch (_fieldIdToCheck)
case fieldNum(tutorial_Form_DynaLink2 [tablename],field2 [fieldname]):
if (this.Field2<this.Field1)
ret = checkFailed("@GLS62531");

return ret;

If issue was toweight not less than fromweight

Hi Moumita,

I hope the following code will solve ur issue in a simple way. Write this code in validateWrite method of the table.

select minof(fromWeight), maxof(toWeight) from tableName where tableName.RecId != this.RecId;

if (this.low < tableName.fromWeight && this.high < tableName.fromWeight)


ret = true;


else if (this.low > tableName.toWeight&& this.high > tableName.toWeight)


ret = true;




ret = checkFailed(“Values overlapping”);


replace this.low and this.high by this.fromWeight and this.toWeight…

Hi Faisal Raja,

Now it’s working fine. Thanks a lot.

Welcome [:)]