Using Service CRM?

Hi folks, we recently visited a potential customer (sale and maintenance of printers and copy machines) who is interested in the CRM service module to track and handle their service orders, mainly handeled by subcontracted, independend working tecnicians. We would be interested in any comments on the module, any customer where you have implemented this module and if they are happy with the funcionality. You can imagine, references of succesfull implementations are always important and welcomed. Thanks a lot. Nils

Nils, we are a NSC specialised in PSA, and implemented the CRM modules a couple of times now. As we have had our own service module, we added some functionality to, for example, show a technical profile of a service object (rename of a service article) and some extensions for maintenance scheduling. Also for the service and engineerplanning we added some fucntionality. Among others, Securitas (, one of the world largest security companies, chose for the Navision service module to automate their installation services. (And ofcourse the rest of their processes) We have around 15 sattisfied customers on service modules running now, and still growing strong…

How does the Navision Service Module handle service items that that not repaired in the company but passed on to vendors or for specialised work / repairs. Additionally, what happens to replaced items when you register spare parts - the accounting implications - are they part of stock. Best regards, Farayi