Using Desired Unit Price in NAV5


I have been unable to find instructions on how to use Desired Unit Price on Sales Orders in any MS Dynamics Student Manuals or white papers. I’m hoping someone can offer some advise.

We sell some items where the cost & price varies based on the ‘strength’ of that item. Currently we have fictitious sales prices extablished for these items, and when it comes time to ship and post these orders we correct te price when we know what the true cost will be. However, this results in a line discount % and we are not able to obtain true reports of these items sales.

Would using the Desired Unit Price function work for our situation?
If it might, where can I locate instructions on how to use it?
(The NAV Help library has no information either).

Thank you for any input you might be able to offer.

Best Regards,

Hi Marcie,

I’m working for 13 years with Navision but never heared anything about a “Desired Unit Price”.

But related to your problem with the Line Discount :

Are you sure that you have changed the “UNit Price” and not the “Amount” field?

NAV usually calculates the Amount by Unit Price * Quantity and when you change the amount manually the system considers the difference between the amount entered and the result from Quantity*Price as discount.