Using a filter for another filter

Dear friends: Can I use the result of a filter for another filter? I.E: A.SETRANGE(A.Category,‘LOW’); If A.find then B.SETFILTER(B.“NºA”,’%1’,A.“Nº”); I want get all records B that are relationates with records A and his category is LOW. Sorry for my engilsh Bye

Did you try it? It should work!

That code should work fine, but better if you got two or more registers that match that filter you’ll need something like this: A.SETRANGE(A.Category,‘LOW’); If A.find(’-’) then BEGIN B.SETFILTER(B.“NºA”,’%1’,A.“Nº”); IF(A.NEXT<>0) THEN REPEAT B.SETFILTER(B.“NºA”,’%1/%2’,B.GETFILTER(“NºA”),A.“Nº”); UNTIL (A.NEXT=0); END; Alfonso Pertierra -----------------

Alfonso, you only can see 10 records from A. A.SETRANGE(A.Category,‘LOW’); If A.find(’-’) then BEGIN IF(A.NEXT<>0) THEN REPEAT b.mark(true); UNTIL (A.NEXT=0); END; b.MARKEDONLY(true); regards