Hallo, wie have in our company Navision Financial 2.00. Since a long time our userrights in navision are wrong. For all objecttype (form, table, module,…) there exist the object with the ID-number 0 with all rights. so everyone can do everything in navision. Now I want correct the user permissions on all the objects. Now the problem is that there are no correct settings for the standard objects. For example there is a form named “Artikelkarte” (i think in english it is “article card”) with the number 30 and there are no permissionsettings to any user or usergroup. I think that is not correct because it is an object direct from navision and not from a partnersolution, so there have to be set “standard permissions” to that object. So if my explanation is correct I need a plan or list or some similar thing how to set which permission to which object. Can somebody help me? Thanks
Vinni, it is recommendable that you handle permissions within Navision based on allowing access to the “table data”, and not for each object (table, form, report, etc.) - this would make maintenance a huge task. Therefore you assign the overall access to all objects to all users which is the part you already have defined. Nevertheless, you must assign the repective table data permissions (read, insert, modify, delete) to several roles, and then assign these roles to your different users. E.g you mention access to the item card - most of your users should have “read” access to table data “27” (the item table) and only a few should modify this data. To get an idea, copy from your installation cd (you should have that one) the demo database, as the demo company includes a complete roles-permission setup which will give you a good start.
Thank you for the help, I would use your tips. Thanks
Hello, The deleting of CodeUnit=0 permission … Huge work afterwards (as Nils said). I have also interested in this topic … I have found information about Lanham solution for it: They have field level security AddOn. I think about this solution now (it’s worth money or not…) . Maybe it can be interested for you. http://www.lanhamassoc.com/securitymgmt.htm
Check this posting from last week. http://www.mbsonline.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=15003
This is the official Navision permissions tool http://www.mibuso.com/dlinfo.asp?FileID=277 Regards, Mark Brummel
Hallo, know I had make a first quickly compare between our database and the demo database. There a a lot of difference! But there is something what I not understand: Nils give me the tip that I only set permissions to the table and I had find this in the demo database too. So, why have Navision the possibility to set permissions to the other objects and nobody use it (included navision self)? @Marq: I have tested the official Navision permissions tool, but it don’t work. Do you know if the tool is appropriate to Navision Financial v2.00 de? @Griess: Thanks, I think the tool is interesting for our company. Thanks to all
Cronus is just a demo company, there are thousands of features that are not used in Cronus, this just happens to be one of them.
Hi Vinni,
Nils give me the tip that I only set permissions to the table and I had find this in the demo database too. So, why have Navision the possibility to set permissions to the other objects and nobody use it (included navision self)?
All applications have features that you might consider unnessesary in your situation, that might be usefull for other persons, that have different requirements. In earlier time, when Navision didn’t have that many objects, permissions per object where a feasable solution. The point is the feature exists, but it’s a lot of work to maintain and handle, which a couple of people might use, because they need it. We stick to using permissions on tables, to keep it simple to maintain. In Cronus, Navision just proposes a way to handle permissions, but you don’t have to follow that guideline… most implementations will use that strategy, because it’s easy to understand and maintain [;)] The User Rights Tools has been developed with version 3.70, it might work with the 3.x versions, but definitly not with 2.x versions.