UserGroup alert rules

Modify Alert rule screen to give more flexibility to users to setup the users option. Current alert rule form allows you to setup alert rules and can only assign to a user id.
This needs to be modfied giving an option for:

· User group: All users in the selected user group should be alerted for, where the creater of the alertRule is the OWNER for the rule.

has anyone worked on userGroup alert rules???

This can be achieved in following way:

  1. Create a user.

  2. Tell your Network admin to create a Email group(Put all the users under this email group).

  3. Assign this email id to user.

  4. Create a alert for this user.

hi vishal , thanks for your inputs,

What i am looking for is to customise the Create Alert Rule form where i can have the option of either selecting a single user or a user group and then create an alert for the groupUsers

Hi Nishant,

Can you share your solution reg. Alerts to Usergroup.