User Logon - Multiple Companies

We have six companies setup in our Navision (3.6) database. Currently, every logon has access to every company (although through permissions and permission groups each logon has limits to their processing abilities). We now want to limit the access of specific users to specific companies or groups of companies. And in some cases even hide knowledge of other companies in the company list that appears when a user accesses the company list through Ctrl-O or File-Company-Open. Is there an easy way to do this? Or must we set up all the permissions for each combination of role and company? Thanks for the help.


Or must we set up all the permissions for each combination of role and company?

… I’m afraid so, and


And in some cases even hide knowledge of other companies in the company list that appears when a user accesses the company list through Ctrl-O or File-Company-Open.

is not possible either [V] Sorry, I was a bit quick there - the user will only see the companies listed where he/she has permissions to. This means, that if the user has a role attached without a company specification all companies will be shown in the list.

While assigning the roles to user in Member OF Table, there is a column named “Company”. Put the company name in from of every User Role. This company name field is part of the Primary Key and a filter on table data of the system. So u can give same user role with diffrent company and get the user restricted. Cheers

But i would first check the role : ALL Perhaps it is enough only to change this role, or do this role personalize for each user