User access to mu;tiple companies

Hi all

I have an issue with setting up users in a new, multi company AX install. If I log in as the Admin, I can see all the companies and change between them. But if any of the users log in, they are logged into the default company set in the configuration file, and don’t have the option to change the company.

There is a new domain called ALL, which has all the companies attached to it.

If I go into Admin, User Groups, Permissions, for say the Acounting group, I can see the domains Admin and All attached to it. If I choose All and check the permissions, I can see the system set up with the permissions for that group. Under Administration, Daily, the users have full control to Company Accounts.

If I go into Administration, Users, and look at an affected user, and click Permissions, I can see all the companies attached to the user. If I click on Permissions for any of these companies, I can see the inherited permissions from the user group.

The server has been restarted since any security changes were made.

So why can’t I change company in the main menu when I’m logged in as a user? Any ideas?

Thanks, Allison.