I am trying to schedule a daily job to run a DataPort object automatically. Webmaster Erik Ernst suggested that I can use scheduler function in Navision’s service module. I looked at my main menu, I saw only General Ledger, Sales, Relationship mgt, Purchase & Payable and Inventory. Does this mean I don’t have Service Module? Am I out of luck?
It means that you dont have the Service module on your licence. You can use the demo Cronus database and licence to have a look at it and try it out. By the sounds of it it will suit your needs.
TechKnowledge Content SUMMARY Following is what you need to do in order to access the Job Scheduler when you did not purchase any Service Management Granules. MORE INFORMATION The Job Scheduler Granule is part of CRM - Service Management. But, the only Required Granule that you must purchase in order to purchase and use the Job Scheduler is Granule 3,010/General Ledger. It is true that the setup information for the Job Scheduler is accessed through Service Management/Setup and it is true that the forms you use to run the Job Scheduler are in Service Management/Periodic Activities. However, a developer can modify the program to display the Job Scheduler forms in any menu area of the product. In the base product, the setup screens, etc. show under Service Management, but that is simply where the design team chose to display them. The Job Scheduler forms can be displayed on any menu that the customer wants, as long as the customer has access to that menu. This article was TechKnowledge Document ID: 35011
Which version is this for? I have tried running the Job Scheduler forms on 3.7 without any luck and just get the normal “You do not have permission …” error message. According to the Granule Permission per Object manual for 3.70 it appears you need to buy Granule 5950 - CRM Service Job Scheduler.
the only Required Granule that you must purchase in order to purchase and use the Job Scheduler is Granule 3,010/General Ledger.
Originally posted by SAFindley - 2005 Jan 17 : 13:44:55
Yes, you need to buy Granule 5950 - CRM Service Job Scheduler. The information posted by Scott means that in order to buy Granule 5950 you only need to have Granule 3010 in your license. You don’t need any CRM modules to buy Granule 5950.
I am not sure if my company wants to put out money to purcahse such a module at this moment in order to automate a job. There is no other ways to schedule a daily job to run a DataPort object automatically? I understand DOS Batch file does not work with Navision. Also we are NOT using Navision Application Server. We use Navision clients (version 3.7) connecting to Navision Database Server (SQL).