Use of tooling on production orders

I’m dealing with a company using tooling they first produce themselves and after that stock (using unique serial numbers). This tooling (with unique serial number) is to be used on production orders. This means we will have to take the tooling from stock in advance (of the production order). And that we will have to put the tooling back in stock after the production order (using the SAME Serial Number). I’m now trying to set it up as follows (within Standard Axapta). - Use (constant instead of variable) of the tooling in a BOM line with Quantity = 1,00 - Output (constant instead of variable) of the tooling using a BOM line with Quantity = -1,00 (!). In tis situation I will probably need some bespoke to synchronize the Serial Number I select on one of the BOM-lines of my production BOM to the other. I’m wondering how others are dealing with pretty normal situation…??