Hi everybody Got my first test in Financials in a couple of weeks. Been browsing around to see if I could find any good hints. I’m really keen on getting to know Navision better (which should be possible since I’m a total rookie). So far I’ve been scanning the books all day and doing the different exercises in them. Anyone got any hints as to how to get a better overview of Navision? Other than just practice, practice and practice? Hope to hear from some of you experienced guys out there…[:D] and also some less-experienced ones which may better be able to put themselves in my situation. kahala
Hi Kahala, speaking personally, the only thing to do is to read the standard manuals, attend all the relevant training courses, sit the exams and practice. The more you play with the system and experiment the more you learn. I have learnt all I know from reading the manuals and playing with the system.
I would say: practice and, of course, study.