Unable to post a warehouse receipt


I have some stange message when I try to post a warehouse receipt: "The Whse Item entry relation already exists. Identification field and values: Item entry No ; =“531098”

How can I solve that?


To me this sounds like somebody deleted a few records from the database (Whse Item Entries in this case) without deleting the associated entry relations.

Usually this can be done with a development license only and not with an end user license - except the partner has implemented a function which deletes the records with special permissions.

Please check with your partner what exactly happened.


We were able to post line by line BUT still do not understand what happen.

So your problem has been solved? If yes then please verify Thomas’ answer, so that we know you got the help.

Hi Erick,

The problem is not reaaly solve as it occurs today also. I found that when creating several lines on the receiving screen, the system does not work. When I post one line at the time , it works. I really want to know how I can solve that.

It can occur once a week …
