Unable to create a backup

I’ve been running both NAV 2009 & NAV 2013 on my machine for testing purposes for a few weeks now without a problem. However, I attempted to make a backup of data in 2009 using the Classic client and got this error, “The backup cannot be used with this version of the program”.

I haven’t been able to find anything about it. I assume it has something to do with me having both versions on the machine. They are using different installs of SQL as well. Any ideas?

Try to take backup with sql

or stop the service of nav 2013 and take backup

Are you sure you are trying to take a backup, as the for the message it looks like you are trying to restore the backup.

Make sure that you didnt have Backup of NAV2013 in Same folder where you are storing the NAV2009 backup.

Create a seperate Folder as NAV2009 backup and save NAV2009 back up in the new folder…

Thanks guys. Great suggestions.Going into the NAV Admin window and stopping the 2013 instances (I run multiple) did the trick.
