Transformation Aborted

Transformation aborted, detail Information LineNumber =180, LinePosition =14 in Nav2009

In the transformation log file



Schema: \ApplicationObjects.xsd



The validation for file:///C:/Users/Wasiu/Desktop/Nav 2009 R2 W1/TransformationTool/ApplicationObjects.xsd.tmp.xml failed. Detailed Information: LineNumber=184, LinePosition=14



The element ‘Properties’ in namespace ‘urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects’ has invalid child element ‘Style’ in namespace ‘urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects’. List of possible elements expected: ‘IndentationColumnName, Enabled, Editable, Visible, GroupType, Name, Description, InstructionalTextML, IndentationControls, ShowAsTree’ in namespace ‘urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects’.



Some input file can’t be validated by schema. Please, correct it and rerun tool again

Am asking of what to do which will make the form to be transform to page

The form is document type