Hi Everyone,
AX2012 R3
Inventory Management>Journals>Item Transactions>Transfer
when i post a transfer from a site/warehouse to another, the financial effect is the same in both debit and credit values of the Ledger Main account/Dimension
for an example,
Posted a transfer for an item (A) “Value=50$” From Site (Y) => Main account 1201 - BU 01 - Location - 01
to Site (Z) => Main account 1201 - BU 01 - Location - 02
The Effect in trial balance would be like :
Openning Debit Credit Closing
1201 - 01 - 01 500.00 50 50 500.00
1201 - 01 - 02 400.00 50 50 400.00
which cancels the financial effect made by the transfer i’ve posted.
is there any1 who can help with fixing this issue ?!
thanks and best regards,
Ahmed Abdel-Kawy