[Cannot edit a record in Purchase order lines (PurchLine).
The record number does not comply with the original number. If the table uses entire table cache, this may be caused by the cache being flushed. Restart your job if this is the case.]
I m facing same problem while updating PO line.After confirmation of PO(workflow enabled) I m trying to update PO line received now quantity…for some po it is working fine but for some po it is throwing the above error…
select forUpdate _purchLine where _purchLine.PurchId == ponum && _purchLine.LineNumber == DNLine.LineNumber;
_purchLine.PurchReceivedNow = DNLine.Qty; //my customized qty I m passing
_purchLine.modifiedField(fieldNum(PurchLine, PurchReceivedNow));
_purchLine.doUpdate();//as workflow enabled it will not allow me to use update method