Dear All,
I would like to ask you the different between these things I’ve seen in the navigate windows after posted 2 invoices from different setting of 2 databases :
Table Name No. of Records
Posted Sales Invoice 1
G/L Entry 14
VAT Entry 1
Cust. Ledger Entry 1
Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry 1
Value Entry 3
In A, there is no item ledger entry, meanwhile in B, it exists. Are the both correct…?
Why in A, there is no item ledger entry…?
I appreciate your answers so much. tku
Hi Steven, All,
In the posted sales invoice of B, there is an item there. I just wonder the cause is caused by general posting setup and inventory posting setup. If for example, there is no item ledger entry, will it make a big problem in the future? I am still confusing, awaiting your answers.
It is very difficult to answer this question without access to the relevant data. I suggest you contact your NSC to get them to investigate and provide an answer.
However it maybe that you created a direct invoice, and you do not create the shipment retrospecitvely when the invoice is processed, in this manner the item ledger entry has to be created under the invoice whereas with the others it is against the shipment. Go to the Item Ledger Entry is the document number the shipment or invoice, and if you navigate does it take you to the shipment or invoice?
in addition to what Steve wrote, I would say that you could have problem when Item Ledger Entries are linked to the invoice instead of shipment, in fact in that case you cannot post Item Charge to that sales. But maybe you don’t use Item Charge.
My best guess is that invoice A was posted in a second time over a previously posted shipping document. If so the item ledger entries are stored under an other document number and can’t be reached from the posted invoice.
I think first Invoive has been posted by useing the functionalty of get shipment line, in this case system will not pass any Item ledger entry but will change the Value entry if there is any change in the sale price with the correct amount referance to Item ledger entry which has been passed during shipment from sales order.
In second Invoice I think some customization has been done to see the Item Ledger entry from the posted Invoice.To see the Item Ledger entry from posted invoice is not the default functionality of system.