Terminal Server v/s CITRIX

We are planing to go for 64K Leased Line for 2 Locations Link to access Navision Server(Navision 2.6B) Each location has 10 to 15 concurent users. To maintain speed at clients end we are looking some kind of a solution like terminal services on win2K and CITRIX. Can anybody suggest me is WIN2K Terminal server is sufficient or we must Go for CITRIX ICA Client[?] Also I would like to know what are the advantages of using CITRIX over WIN2K Terminal services. Regards Ravi D.G.

I would say that you should give the terminal server a chance. The server which is running the teminal server services has to deal with 20-30 concurrent user, so it should be a heavy weight server.

I don’t know the specifics, but I’ve heard that TS can cause some printing problems with certain Navision add-ons. We use Citrix quite a bit, and we’ve done many successful implementations with it.

Hello Ravi, Win 2003 Terminal Server works fine without Citrix. I supply 40 users with Navision and a few other progarms on one server, dual Pentium 2.8 GHz, 1 Gb ram. Though 64 kb/s line seems a little low for 15 users. If you could you get a 0.5 mb/s ADSL it would be more appropriate. Pelle