Table copy between company's, does dicttable.makeRecord work for the same company


Following the previous instructions (, I have succeeded in copying data between two tables

This is what I am doing, and was wondering if I need to change the company twice to insert data, once for adding record to the table buffer, and then to add it into the database.

void copyEachTable(int tableId)


Common tableFrom, tableTo;

DictTable dictTable;

RecordInsertList recordInsertList ;


recordInsertList = new RecordInsertList(tableId);

dictTable = new DictTable(tableId); // need this to make a reocrd we can loop through.;

tableFrom = dictTable.makeRecord();

// do we have to do this to make sure the insert is in the correct company ???



tableTo = dictTable.makeRecord();


// loop through the source

while select tableFrom


buf2Buf(tableFrom, tableTo); // copy the source

recordInsertList.add(tableTo); // put into RIL


// or this is sufficient ???





recordInsertList.insertDatabase(); // commit to the DB




Thank you