Table 20000009 has no name


I am trying to Migrate a solution in NAV 2009 to NAV 2013 R2. I am following the transformation guide as given in MSDN. When compiling the objects I got some errors and resolved most of them. I got one error in Company Information which says that Table 200000009 does not have a name. This is session table and is hidden to the system. But when I check by making a new form and browsing the available table, I could see that the table is there and also has a name.

Is there any way to resolve this.


You can go through this link to fix them

Mohana, Thanks for reply.
The Link you gave is for NAV 2013 to NAV 2013R2 Migration. Will that work for NAV 2009 R2 to NAV 2013 R2 Migration?

This is the error I got while doing step 4 of “Preparing the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Database” in the link you gave. I don’t know how to resolve this error.


I mean to say, follow the steps given to resolve compilation issues

search for “Before and After Code for Warnings in Table 79”


That really helps.
But, What does the “Before and After code” mean ?


Search for “Before and After code” in above link which I have provided.

It has how to fix your problem.

Did you already fix them?

Yes Mohana, I searched and found the code. there are two blocks of code, “Before” and another block is “after”. What am I supposed to do with the code in Before block and with the code in after block.


Before code means the code which is existing in your database now.

After code means you have to change the code in existing database with after code.

But Mohana,
The After code is
ActiveSession@1000 : Record 2000000110;
I declated a Record Variable with the name ActiveSession pointing to 2000000110. But there is no such table. I also Checked the hidden tables.

In which version are you checking?

Its available in NAV2013 and NAV2013R2.

Can you import them from any standard NAV2013R2 database…

Mohana, As I mentioned already, I am working in Migration from NAV 2009 R2 to NAV 2013R2

I will try importion from NAV 2013R2

You have to do it after importing merged objects from NAV2009R2 to NAV2013R2…there you will already have table which you have mentioned.


Edit Table = $ndo$dbproperty Field = Identifiers

Value should be

2000000001=“Object”,1=“Type”,2=“Company Name”,3=“ID”,4=“Name”,5=“Modified”,6=“Compiled”,7=“BLOB Reference”,8=“BLOB Size”,9=“DBM Table No_”,10=“Date”,11=“Time”,12=“Version List”,40=“Locked”,50=“Locked By”;2000000009=“Session”,1=“Connection ID”,2=“User ID”,3=“My Session”,5=“Login Time”,6=“Login Date”,16=“Database Name”,17=“Application Name”,18=“Login Type”,19=“Host Name”,20=“CPU Time (ms)”,21=“Memory Usage (KB)”,22=“Physical I_O”,23=“Blocked”,24=“Wait Time (ms)”,25=“Blocking Connection ID”,26=“Blocking User ID”,27=“Blocking Host Name”,28=“Blocking Object”,29=“Idle Time”;2000000010=“Database File”,1=“No_”,2=“File Name”,3=“Size (KB)”

Bad one looks like this

2000000001=Object,1=Type,2=Company Name,3=ID,4=Name,5=Modified,6=Compiled,7=BLOB Reference,8=BLOB Size,9=DBM Table No_,10=Date,11=Time,12=Version List,40=Locked,50=Locked By

Also if you need to create a script form another Database for the “Session” and “Database Files” views then make sure you add the $ndo$shadow permissions to the view after you create them, just look at any other table for the permissions that should be there in SQL