Hi Everyone,
I need a quick solution with this error when I trying to end a production batch order. It said that the “Account number for transaction type System rounding does not exist”. What should I check first to resolve this issue. We are using four decimal in maximum penny rounding setup in general ledger parameters. Please help.
Go to this form - GL>Setup>Posting>Accounts for automatic transactions
specify an account for “System rounding”
Thanks for the reply but all accounts has been setup already. We are using AX 2009 for five years now then we encountered this posting problem with system rounding. Is there any suggestions that you can share.
Can you please post a screenshot of the exact error message and a screenshot of the menu path described by Santosh. You may have had accounts setup for years, but you still have to eliminate someone changing the configuration so you have to check the account is configured correctly.
My apologies for what I replied but here is the sample screenshots as requested. Thanks