Strange Item Ledger Entry

Hi All, Doing our year-end we’ve encountered 3 very weird, consecutive Item Ledger Entries: they have an “Item No.” (3 different No’s), an “Entry Type”=PURCHASE, a “Document No.”=UPDATE and a (negative) “Qty”. Nothing else, no posting groups, no posting date, no source code, no user id, no nothing. Based on the “surrounding” posting dates these entries are posted somewhere in November 2003. Our NSC don’t have a clue what has happened here (but, we switched NSC’s after these entries were entered). Any ideas??? Thanks in advance Navision 2.60A W1 Native

Hi, It looks like the result of customization in Inventory Posting module. Have they done any customization to record the user transaction log?

Or, maybe based on the document no. ‘UPDATE’, was your version maybe updated November 2003? Did someone maybe manually enter an item ledger entry to correct quantities, although one should never do something like that …

Hi Rajesh, Thanks for the reply. No mods there. In the meantime I downloaded all objects to text to find the string UPDATE. No luck. However, in the legacy objects (one-offs removed after use) I found a CU where this string was used as a Document No. in the Item Ledger Entries, with the exact quantities and all. So it seems that our former NSC corrected some entries (for some reason) but forgot to include the data to make the entries tracable. Anyway, thanks for bothering, but this mystery seems to be solved.

Jörg, Didn’t see your reply before I posted mine. In fact you’re right: although not entirely manual, somebody made some correctione entries - absolutely not tracable. Nice one for the auditors next week! Thanks. Michiel