Stock Check - Serial Items

In V4 using calculate inventory in Physical Inventory Journal I get 2 lines for my item, Variant A and B. But in stock I have some Variant C which I would like to put onto the system through the journal. When I add a new line for variant C, and enter qty(physical inventory) I get the message ‘Phys. Inventory must be Yes in Item journal line’. I’ve added the field to the form, but can’t edit the value to Yes. So hence I can’t complete the line & post the inventory. My item is serial number controlled. What am I doing wrong ? All help appreciated. Thanks.

I don’t know you are doing anything wrong, it’s the way the seem wants to work. You have a couple of options: 1) Use the Item Journal. Enter the Positive Adjustment into an Item Journal rather than the Inventory Journal. 2) Modify the Physical Inventory Journal form to allow Quantity to be editable. You can enter the Quantity directly in this field. You have to watch this field for existing counts. 3) Update the Form to default “Phys. Inventory” to true for new lines. You will also have to update the Item Journal Line Table.

Hi Chris. Thanks for your reply. The qty field is editable when the Phys.Inventory is True. The field Phys.Inv… property is editable, focusable. I really am justabeginner and i) I don’t understand why I can’t edit the field in the journal, and ii) I’m not sure exactly how I Update the Form to default “Phys. Inventory” to true for new lines.

Hello Howard, the reason for your troubles is that the function “Calculate Inventory…” intentionally skips items with no ledger entries. Your options are: 1) Get the item into inventory through a perchase or a positive adjustment in an inventory journal. 2) Make a fix in the code in report 790, integer dataitem like this: // FIX 990310 begin // IF NOT ItemLedgEntry.FIND(’-’) THEN // CurrReport.BREAK; IF NOT ItemLedgEntry.FIND(’-’) THEN BEGIN QuantityOnHandBuffer.INIT; QuantityOnHandBuffer.“Item No.” := Item.“No.”; QuantityOnHandBuffer.INSERT; CurrReport.BREAK; END; // FIX 990310 end //Pelle


In V4 using calculate inventory in Physical Inventory Journal I get 2 lines for my item, Variant A and B. But in stock I have some Variant C which I would like to put onto the system through the journal. When I add a new line for variant C, and enter qty(physical inventory) I get the message ‘Phys. Inventory must be Yes in Item journal line’. I’m not sure exactly how I Update the Form to default “Phys. Inventory” to true for new lines.

To add Variant C to the physical inventory journal, use the following when running the Calculate Inventory function.

  • on the Item tab, set the No. filter for Variant C
  • on the Options tab, check Items Not on Inventory


When I add a new line for variant C, and enter qty(physical inventory) I get the message ‘Phys. Inventory must be Yes in Item journal line’. I don’t understand why I can’t edit the field in the journal

this is set to yes by the program when you run the “Calculate Inventory” function from the Phys. Inventory Journal. Some fields cannot be modified on the form such as this one because the programs use this field to enforce specific rules. Without understanding the rules being enforced, bigger problems can be created.