Steps to create an Account Schedule?


I’m having a lot of trouble setting up account schedules because I’m not sure what I have to set up first. Would someone please tell me what the ordered steps are that I would follow to build a new and very simple account schedule? I’m not sure what I have to define first or at what point I define the column layout?


Jeff, I’ll watch this post carefully because I’m still having trouble with account schedules as well! If one of the forum experts (or MS) were to write a book about setting up account schedules and reporting by dimension I think they would sell zillions, and they could charge a very high price as well…! Good luck! Andy.

Hi, Jeff.

Follow this link and download a word doc. where you can find guidance for creating acc.schedules.

When you will have created several simple reports in Acc.shedule, you will be able to make your tailor-made reports.

Kind regards,


Thank you Tatiana but I’m not seeing a link to follow.



here’s the link:

and look at this thread:

then, search for Account Schedule - you’ll get many previous discussions about this topic.

Hi Tatiana!!

Do you have any step by step doc. or some basic information to create Column Layout for P&L? By the way thank you for your doc. about acc. schedules!! Thank you so much! :slight_smile: