Start date of project XXXXXX-XXX.001 cannot be updated since earlier hour forecasts exist - how to fix it?


In our environment when we try to update certain projects we are getting the ‘Start date of project cannot be updated since earlier hour forecasts exist’. When I go see the Hour forecasts screen I see that couple of rows have the ‘Project date’ fields have earlier than the Actual project start date on the Project master screen which I think is causing the issue.

I tried to Edit the existing records in the Hour forecast screen by selecting the record that has the earlier dates but either Edit or Delete buttons are enabled and doesn’t let me to edit or delete it and recreate with a date after the Actual project start date. It appears to be pure functional setup. Can anyone help me shed some light to what might be happening and how to fix it?

DAX version : 2012 CU3

Module : project management and accounting
