Start date if the project cannot be update since earlier hour forecasts exist - AX2012


When our users are trying to updated the customer on a project they are getting this error

“Start date of project XXXXXXXXXX cannot be updated since earlier hour forecasts exist”

Have anybody got this error and any input on where and how this error can be fixed?


i mean, it sounds kind of self-explanatory. if the message is accurate, i’d check to see if the project or any associated subprojects have hour forecasts on them. if so, are there any with a transaction date earlier than you’re setting the start date of the project to?

you’d probably need to change them to later or pick an earlier start date to include all of those transactions.

Thanks, Jacob.

I agree and did the same thing and that solved the problem.

Upon further digging into the issue to see what is going on. I see that the project’s ‘Actual start date’ is set to 2/1/2017
On the Hour forecast screen for the project has three rows whose ‘Project start date’ less than the ‘Actual start date’ of the project. And this is causing to fail in the ProjTable.ValidateWrite() method where it checks

 if (ret && this.StartDate)

The three rows in the PROJFORECASTEMPL table that have smaller date in the SchedFromDate column than the ProjTable.StartDate. If I am understanding it right while setting up the Hour forecast for that project users have accidentally set up the lesser than the actual start date or other way around.

I wrote a job to update the Project date to an earlier date than any of the transactions that in the fore caste screen and was able to update the Customer. But the question is the solution of changing the Project date is the right solution or would there be any impact to the system by doing so? I just wanted to make sure it is a simple update change or would there be anything else that need to be considered while also changing the date. I am a technical guy and don’t have financial functional knowledge.

they could have maybe created the transactions and then changed the start date to some time after the original start date, too? not sure if that’s possible.