Sql Statements in Ax 2009

Hi Guys ,

I have a problem with SQL statements in ax…As it does not support nested queries Is there any alternate way to do this?

  1. A statement to delete all sales order that are open and don’t have a salesline

  2. A statement to bulk delete all sales order that are open and don’t have a salesline (Use delete_recordset)

  3. Select all customers who have more than 10 salesorders (Two Query)

  4. Select all customers who have a salesorder between a given period(Choose the period based on your local system data)

Here is a sample code(not tested)

static void salesTableFetch(Args _args)


SalesTable salesTable;

SalesLine salesLine;

CustTable custTable;

TransDate fromDate, toDate;


// to delete all the orders that dont have a sales Line

delete_from salesTable

where salesTable.SalesStatus == SalesStatus::Backorder

notexists join salesLine

where salesLine.SalesId == salesTable.SalesId;

// get customers that have sales orders > 10

while select count(recId),CustAccount from salesTable

group by custAccount


if (salesTable.RecId > 10)





// get customers that have sales orders under specified period

while select custTable

exists join salesTable

where salesTable.CustAccount == custTable.AccountNum

&& salesTable.DeliveryDate >= fromDate

&& salesTable.DeliveryDate <= toDate





Thank You For The solution Kranthi i would like to know how count can be used

I have a query like this?

Select the item that has the largest number of Sales lines (Use:count)

I don’t see any simple query to achieve this. You can use a temporary table concept to achieve this. which holds item Id and record count fields. Fill the temp table by applying a group on itemId from salesTable by finding the count of records. Apply a sort order on the countField in the temporary table to get the item with highest number of salesLines.

I achieved the query in this way…i donno whether it is correct or not…so may i know your opinion on this…

static void CMKQuery04(Args _args)


//Select the item that has the largest number of Sales lines (Use:count)

SalesLine salesLine;

int minimum,maximum;

str itemid;


minimum = 1;

while select count(recId),itemid from salesLine group by salesLine.ItemId


maximum = salesLine.RecId;

if(maximum > minimum)


minimum = maximum;

if(salesLIne.RecId == minimum )


itemId = salesLIne.ItemId;







The logic looks good, but it may not work in a scenario like if you have multiple items which has same number of lines(highest lines).

I have last Three More Queries which I could not Address…So please help me

  1. Select all salesline that has a inventory transaction with status(Reserved Physical, Reserve ordered, Ordered)

  2. Select all salesorder who has atleast one salesline that has a inventory transaction with status(Reserved Physical, Reserve ordered, Ordered)(Hint: Multiple level Select statment:3levels)

  3. Select all items in saleslines that has a configuration(inventory dimension) specified in transactions (Multilevel: 3 levels)

Thank You…

here are sample queries

static void queries(Args _args)


SalesTable salesTable;

SalesLine salesLine;

InventTrans inventTrans;

InventTable inventTable;

InventDim inventDim;


while select salesLine

exists join inventTrans

where inventTrans.InventTransId == salesLine.InventTransId

&& (inventTrans.StatusIssue == StatusIssue::ReservPhysical

|| inventTrans.StatusIssue == StatusIssue::ReservOrdered

|| inventTrans.StatusIssue == StatusIssue::OnOrder)


while select salesTable

exists join salesLine

where salesLine.SalesId == salesTable.SalesId

exists join inventTrans

where inventTrans.InventTransId == salesLine.InventTransId

&& (inventTrans.StatusIssue == StatusIssue::ReservPhysical

|| inventTrans.StatusIssue == StatusIssue::ReservOrdered

|| inventTrans.StatusIssue == StatusIssue::OnOrder)




while select inventTable

exists join salesLine

where salesLine.ItemId == inventTable.ItemId

exists join inventDim

where inventDim.inventDimId == salesLine.InventDimId

&& inventDim.configId != ‘’





I have last Three More Queries which I could not Address…So please help me

  1. Select all salesline that has a inventory transaction with status(Reserved Physical, Reserve ordered, Ordered)

  2. Select all salesorder who has atleast one salesline that has a inventory transaction with status(Reserved Physical, Reserve ordered, Ordered)(Hint: Multiple level Select statment:3levels)

  3. Select all items in saleslines that has a configuration(inventory dimension) specified in transactions (Multilevel: 3 levels)

Thank You…

Thank yoU very Much For Your support. I have learnt much with this…

Is ther a command in ax 2009 like delete_recordset??

i jus referred to the post in one of the blogs here


i just knew only about delete_from

as i have a query like this i need to address ir

a) Write a statement to bulk delete all sales order that are open and don’t have a salesline (Use delete_recordset)?

I think its a typing mistake.

Have a look at the existing set based operations in AX


can You help me with this?

when i debug with my query the flow is missing…

  1. Select all items who’s inventory model group is negative inventory flag checked and has a inventory dimension group with the flag inventColourId Yes (Hint: Multiple Joins)

HI kranthi

can i try this logic , to achieve above requirement which is specified by you …

SalesLine salesLine;

int minimum ;

int maximum ;

str itemId,itemid1;

int i;

container con;



while select count(recid),ItemId from salesLine group by ItemId


minimum = salesLine.RecId;




if(salesLIne.RecId == maximum )


itemId = salesLIne.ItemId;



itemid1 = salesLine.ItemId;

con = conins(con,conlen(con)+1,itemid1);






con = conins(con,conlen(con)+1,itemid1);






