Can i split string ‘7/26/2011’ to ‘0711’ (MMYY) and ‘10/26/2011’ to ‘1011’ (MMYY)?
if i use subStr, it is not flexible. anybody’s help me?
Can i split string ‘7/26/2011’ to ‘0711’ (MMYY) and ‘10/26/2011’ to ‘1011’ (MMYY)?
if i use subStr, it is not flexible. anybody’s help me?
HI ysfbryn
try this…
static void Example(Args _args)
TransDate d;
int i;
yr y;
str s,s1;
d = today();
i = mthOfyr(d);
y = year(d);
s = strfmt("%1%2",i,substr(int2str(y),3,4));
Naresh Kolli
str strDate, strDate1;
str iYear, iMonth;
strDate = PostingPeriod.valueStr();
iYear = substr(strDate,1,4);
iMonth = substr(strDate,5,2);
strDate1= ‘01-’+iMonth+"-"+iYear;
_dtStartDate = str2date(strDate1,123);
_dtEndDate = endmth(_dtStartDate);
try this way it ll helpful for u