something really confusing.

i have copied tables sales header,sales line and corresponding forms with save as option with another name.after deleting all the code and variables in form and tables it still shoe the link with old tables…why? when i tried codecoverage it was calling code unit Application Management.i dont know from where it is calling that code unit. can anyone help me…

One reason is, that you have to change the properties too. In the sales header the LookupFormID - pointing to your new form, in the forms the Sourcetable - connecting to your new table. Otherwise you will have new tables and forms, but with the old relations. Michael

thanks for your reply.but i have fried all this. also when i use codecoverage i shows that codeunit ApplicationManagement has run. if u please tell me from where the codeunit ApplicationManagement is called.i have checked every where. regards anoop verma

When you activate the debugger and than click on the menu item ‘code coverage’, you will see, that the Application Management ist called by code coverage itself. In Codeunit 1 there is a trigger called code coverage, which starts the form. But I am afraid, this will not solve your problem. Michael

Hi, A solution that offers you better control is: Obj Dsgnr…>Tables…>New and then open other tables in design mode whose Table Structure you want. Then copy all fields from this table and paste into new table,delete all coding on Fields(Functions aren’t copied) and compile.change properties as you want in new Tables. Then for Forms also similar approach will help you address your issue with better control as you what has been changed and what not?. Regards

Another suggestion, did you look in form 42 and changed the properties of the subform too, changed the SubformID to your new form? Michael