Checks are physically voided and those #s are skipped on AX. Need to do something to the skipped checks on AX?
Why? The check has been voided, so it has been used and voided, the number cannot be reused because the physical check is void - they usually have a large VOID stamped across them.
For those voided checks, is there any functions on AX to record?
Two things:
If the checks are voided, that means it is not presented to bank, further it needn’t be reconciled. Void checks are saved in system so that you will know how many checks are voided. This happens day to day as many times you need to change either part name, amount, address etc. So void functions of check in standard is really crucial.
If it happens that during check print, it was printed on wrong paper or somehow the printer got jammed, your check number was updated but physical check didn’t got printed, in that case use check Reuse functionality. Check reuse functionality allows you to reuse the same check number is there was any problem stated above.
In my senario, those skipped checks are voided before entering into AX.
Let’s say there are check #1 to 4, and AX issues 1, 2, and we voided 3 outside of AX beacuse 3 was accidentally trashed.
So, we change next check # to be 4 in AX. For the skipped check #3, how can we record in AX?