Scheduling Jobs

Does anybody know how to schedule tasks in Navision Attain? E.g. We want to print each week our “Customer Results Report” on a predefined printer. I know we can do this with the “CRM-Service”-module. But then: - we need an extra client - the scheduling properties in Navision are very limited - The “Job scheduler” remains a visible form: not very useful to install on a server Anyone that knows a proper solution (e.g. some program that runs as a Windows Service that executes CodeUnits, Reports on predefined times?) Or do I really have to develop this (basic) functionality by myself ?

See the following at ExpandIT Launch Utility ExpandIT has developed a launch utility which is easily implemented and which can launch Navision Financials or Attain objects from a command line. This enables system administrators to schedule the execution of reports, dataports, and codeunits Dave Studebaker Liberty Grove Software A Navision Services Partner

Hi David, I know the tool. I installed the demo-version but this kind of application is really unusable for us. Suppose somebody else is working on the server; suddenly, a screen (Navision) pops up and the mouse starts moving, executing the codeunit or reports we want to process. Even with the timeout control, this application is too dangerous. I was wondering if there was no simple way to trigger codeunits, reports, … It seems I have to develop it by myself :frowning: Thanks anyway.