SalesPerson Wise ItemWise Report

Hello Everyone

Here in this report i am taking two dataitem

Sales Invoice Header and

Sales Invoice Line in indent of sales invoice header

and making Salesperson code as group in sales inv header and Item No, group in sales invoice line table

but it is not working properly

can you please someone help me how to group this kind of grouping


Explain your error.

When I was grouping by item no in sales invoice line grouping not happening

whenever invoice no. change item no. group is not happening.

but i want sales person wise itemwise …

What are you doing for grouping, Can you tell?

In Sales Invoice Header DataItem Making Group field Property as SalesPerson Code and

Made key Sales Person Code and sorting on that

Then In Sales Invoice Line Made Group Property as Item No. and also Sorting on Item No in Line Table

And putting Sales invoice Line in Indent of Sales Invoice Header