Sales Shipment Line question

Moin: In Table 111 “Sales Shipment Line” field #39 “Item Shpt. Entry No.” references to field #1 “Entry No.” in table #32 “Item Ledger Entry”. The field #1 “Entry No.” in table #32 “Item Ledger Entry” is also referenced by the field #11 “Item Ledger Entry No.” in table #5802 “Value Entry”. For creating a report I want to get the information whether the delivered item in a record of Table 111 “Sales Shipment Line” is invoiced (price?) by the vendor or not yet. Anybody out there who can give me the decisive hint? Regards Alarich

Hello, …reading more carefully through your topic, I just got stuck by “… is invoiced by the vendor…” which meansh you want to find out the real cost of your shipped item… correct? In that case, your approach is correct: With Field 39 of table 111 you “GET” the Item Ledger Entry, of that shipped item, and a couple of flowfields (field 5803 through 5808) contain cost related information (don’t forget the CALCFIELDS). If you want to work directly with the value entries, you filter the respective value entries, using the Item Ledger Entry field in the value entries record… let me know if you want a code example… Hope this gives you some idea… Saludos Nils