Sales Report in Navision

Hi all!

Does anyone knows if there are reports or views where an end user can see:

  • New Orders : they are grouped based by Ship Date with the most recent ship date on top.

  • Orders shipped last 7 days/ Orders shipped next 7 days

  • Total open backlog

I know that I can use " customer order status" but I just want to know if there are reports that may be used otherwise I will customise those.



Can you define a “new” order. If I load an order today it is new, but in an hours time it is old becasue it was new when I last looked at it! If it is today, just filter on the order date for today on the screen or reports.

You could look at the posted shipments with a filter for shipped, and the customer order detail report for the next 7 days, or a filtered view of the orders.

The inventory sales backorders report would show you backorders, depending if you definition matches the one the report returns.