Sales quote – not a customer

Generally companies will send sales to quotes to different people. Once that person satisfied with that price then they use to start purchases with that company. In Navision how to handle this scenario , because in Navision first we will create customer , then we will create sales quote. But with out creating customer how to send sales quote. My client is not intresed to accept that person until and unless he starts purchases. Is it possible in Navision ? Please let me know .

Thanks in advance.

Create a “General” customer then use this account to generate the sales quotes. You can then change the Sell to & Bill to Customer details (Names & Addresses) on the Quote card/form.

This is posted in an AX forum.

In NAV you can quote to a contact, they do not have to be a customer, when you convert the quote they will need to be a customer.

Obviously you need some base information, like the person and address for the quote, so this is the contact record - completely unrelated to any customer - until you sell to them.

Thanks Adam,

I gone throw contact card , but I could not create that quote to that contact.

So Could u throw the steps where and how to create &process.

On the sales quote you have a “Sell-to Contact No.”, you just fill this in, if it is not related to a customer it does not back fill.

Not sure when this funcitonality was introduced - what version are you on?

Moved to the NAV forum

I am working on 4.0 sp3 . when I click on the sell- to – customer no in sales quote customer list is opening.

But I want to send that quote to a person , who is not customer.

Yes completely ignore the “Sell-to customer” field, leave it blank, go to the “Sell-to Contact No.” field, this gives you a list of your contacts.

Thanks Adam,

I gone through the same what explained.

**I fill the header and I gone to line I select item no and I try to enter quanti ty I am getting this error message .****---------------------------Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision---------------------------You must either specify Sell-to Customer No. or Sell-to Customer Template Code.---------------------------**OK ---------------------------

This is NAV telling you that “if” you were to create a sales order from the quote and thereby create a customer it has no idea how to create the customer.

Go to Administration - Application Setup - Sales & Marketing - Customer Templates and set one up.

If you then go to a contact and use finctions and create as customer you will be asked if you want to use a template, if you say yes it will list all of your templates.

On a quote however the field below “Sell-to Contact No.” is customer template - by defining this here if you were to create an order and therefore a customer it would know how to setup the customer, so you need the template as well as the contact number.

Thanks experts,

I am working on Nav 2009 Sp1.

I followed the same procedure to create the sales quote for prospect customer.

But the thing is when i run the statistics it is showing the error : Customer No doesnot exist"

when i try to take the print system throws the same error

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic

Customer No. ‘’ does not exist.


then what is the use of the This functionality.

please share your experience.

Have you modified anything?

The point of this is to create a quote for a prospect without creating them as a customer.

You will need to track your error messages.

No modification.

I am working on the Standard product NAV 2009 SP1.

Yes , i agree that is the correct statement.

the error what it throws is meaning less because when i generate the quote for contact , then it should not ask for customer.

I dont tknow why it is throwing the error like this.


Contact Microsoft. It does not do it on my version of NAV2009 but mine is not SP1 works perfectly on statistics and print when setup with the obvious pre-requisite of the customer template when the customer is not used.


I 've experienced the same problem (printing sales quote without customer no.).
I’ve found out that two Sales & Receivables settings are involved: SalesSetup.“Calc. Inv. Discount” and SalesSetup.“Invoice Rounding” if one of these two are true then the error accurse.

Kind regards,


Hi all I am getting same error while quote is prepared for contact in 6.0SP1 IN Cronous. It is due to following code

CalcVatamountLines()-salesline table

IF Sales.Setup.“Invoice Rounding” THEN BEGIN

Cust.GET(SalesHeader.“Bill-to Customer No.”);

but any how it should be printed for contact also isn;t it

getting same error in 6.0SP1 IN any how it should not display an error message for contact