Sales Orders into and Sales Order Confirmation out of Navision 5.0 - HELP!

Newbie here, looking for some insight into how this all works. I had been told that we could use the native Navision 5.0 XML import/export functionality to create orders and order acknowledgements. I use a translator to create the XML for the Sales Order Inbound document and to read the outbound Sales Order Confirmation.

The problem is that we don’t understand how to load that file into our system. I am now being told that we have to either purchase additional modules or write custom code to get the inbound PO to post into Navision. Also, supposedly either a module or code writing will be required to get Navision to write out the Outbound Sales Order Confirmation.

Is this true? Do I have to make any mods to get the inbound Sales Order XML to work to create a Sales Order in Navision 5.0?

Alternatively, I am told that there are also staging tables within the database itself that I could write directly to, but I don’t understand how the order would get from the staging tables to the production tables.

Any help with this process would be GREATLY appreciated. I might even send you one of our products as a thank you! :slight_smile:

OK, first and most importantly, “what products are we talkign about?” [;)] (just kidding).

Well my guess here is that during the sales process you saw a demo of COmmerce Portal or some of the XML functionality in NAV. At the same time it shouod have been pointed out to you that these are granules that you have to purchase and pay for. OR you should have been told that custom development would need to be done for you.

There are two steps needed, one is the XML that transfers data to and From Navision Staging tables to your XML files. Second is a process (porbably NAS based, but could be based on Job Scheduler) that transfers data from the Staging tables to/from the Navision Sales tables.

You will need to disucss with you partner if some how it was implied that this was free functionality, sorry [:(]