Sales Analysis Report Form 7117

I would like to modify this report to include Salesperson as a filter. We do not use the department code so I was hoping to change this to salesperson. Can someone please give me instructions?

Nav 6.0

Department is a Dimension, but SalesPerson - a field in SO…

Easiest way - duplicate SalesPerson as Dim, too - it might be useful in AnalysisByDims and AccSchedules also.


You can assign a dimension to the Salesperson record and it will be inherited onto the sales order/invoice

This sounds like a great solution. A couple of quick questions. Will this create extra entries some where and reduce performance?

I assume this will work on all future orders but is it possible to mark all orders in the past with the appropriate dimension?

Some records in Ledger Entry Dimensions table and Analysis Views. If you do not have a ton of Analysis Views set up for Update on Posting, performance will not suffer.

Out of box - no, but it can be done by a programmer OR some AddOns exist out there to accomplish this, check AddOns section of this site.

Thanks for everyone’s help. I appreciate it very much.