Russia Brazil China Localization for VAT & Payrol

I have a customer who conducts business in Russia, Brazil and China and would like to find out the amount of localization that has been done for VAT. Also, I would like to find out if there is a Payroll granule in the local versions for these countries? I see that there are 2 schools of though on handeling the implementation of a mulltinational company. One thought is to port the localization to the a single database. The second thought is to setup country specific databases. Both have their pros and cons. But the bottom line is always money. What is it going to cost me to integrate the localizations compaired to the purchase cost of multiple systems.

Regarding the localization for Brasil, you might want to contact Carlos Diaz (, general director of Cadia Consulting, the MBS Strategic Partner for Navision and the Localization for Brasil. I doubt that they have a payroll system but the VAT and taxes have been customized a lot, as Brasil has the most complicated tax system I have ever seen… As you mention, there are two “ways” of implementing international solutions, and it depends a lot of the politics and structure of the multinational company - if they have a rather centric approach with centralized IT, then a single database will be prefereable (internal maintenance and support), with rather independent local offices, it might be easier to have local databases and send over the consolidation backup at month end. Saludos Nils

Hi, We had done an implementation for a multinational company in Sao Paolo, Brazil as part of a multicountry rollout last year. For doing this we had also taken the Brazilian localisation as the base. However, as the Brazilian laws are one of the most complicated (completely agree with Nils), and we had to customise (or maybe enhance the existing localisation) for nearly 3 months !! The most important changes comes in the Costing part wherein the Brazilian requirement is very contrary to the Navision Costing system ! I doubt if there is any payroll localisation for Brazil. Good luck ! Cheers,

Russian version of Attain has granules for accounting VAT and Payroll. The VAT granule fully satisfies to the requirements of Russian laws. As regards the granules Payroll, all depends on methodic calculation payroll, bonus and etc used at company, sine one has most common of methodic accounting a payroll. Nevertheless Payroll granule also fulfils of Russian laws.

Try this link, FJH is NSC in sau paulo, brazil, can help you in this regard, Kumar

Hi Scott, First of all, when implementing Navision in multiple countries, NEVER implement payroll in Navision, out source it.

David, Why Never implement payroll in Navision when multiple countries are envolved?

Scott You may contact FJH Sistemas at 55 11 6256 14 97 or 55 11 6256 4065 e mail address They have a full implementation for Industry and commerce at Brasil Localization ready to use… They do not apply anything regarding Payrool this is a very specific topic at Brazil… The Manger consultant is Helio Costa His direct phone is 55 11 9158 27 40


Originally posted by SAFindley
David, Why Never implement payroll in Navision when multiple countries are envolved?

In a nut shell, Support. Payroll is something that just does not follow any rules[V]. Every country is so different, that you will kill your self and your project, if you try to support payroll in more than one country. Look at what we have here, two countries, USA and Canada, and the payroll issue of supporting two differnet rule sets was so complex, that they eventually gave up, and now payroll is now no longer in the North American version, but outsourced. And everyone I have spoken to thinks that that is the best thing Navision ever did for payroll.) HR can be maintained, hours worked, sick days, benefits etc are very similar, but leave payroll to the experts. Second point. If my client can’t print a check to a vendor or an invoice to their customer, then they will be very angry. If they can’t print a Payroll check, then I had btter be checking flights out of here and pack my bags, because at 8.59 am tomorrow there will be a lynch squad at my door. Unfortunately you probably are not going to listen to this advice anyway[:(], but at least I tried[^].

David, Your advice is very good and my experiences previously (with large companies) have me agreeing with your recommendation. What is your thought on partnering with an NSC in that country and having them install and support payroll?

Same issue. Eventually it will haunt you. Just Outsource it.

For China, please contact with Enterprise Solution Group Inc. the top NSC in China, their web site is Frank