Rounding issues with Posting Purchase orders (VAT)

Hi there,

Im having issues with Posting Purchase orders and the VAT component of the purchase being incorrectly calculated.

Prior to invoicing, the VAT is calculated correctly however once posted the the total payable is wrong.

for example the VAT is 83.3075 or 83.31 rounded. when posted the VAT is recorded as 83.30.

I have checked the rounding settings and everything is set correctly

This problem occurs randomly (i.e. 1/100) and is on NAV 5.0

Any thoughts?

Have you checked Max VAT Diff & VAT rounding type setup in Currency Cards, too, not only GL Setup?

You haven’t mentioned this, but if your PO is in foreign currency, the CC settings apply, too. That could explain the randomness…

yes have checked that now but there is nothing out of place with respect to the rounding settings Thanks

it seems to occur when freight is allocated to the invoice