Restricted edit access to one field

Hi there.

One of our users has requested access to a field on the Customer form be restricted to only a small number of people. All other fields should be editable.

What would be the best way to do this?

I thought of creating a role, then some code in the form to check for membership to that role, and if a member set the field to editable, otherwise set to not editable.

Only problems is I don’t know how to check for membership to a role in code. I have created the role and assigned members (in our dev environment).

Does anybody have any better suggestions for achieveing this or how to check for membership to a role?

thanks, Mark

There are many ways of achieving this. The way that I use is adding a new option to user Setup and controlling editable / not editable based in that field.

To check if a user belongs to a look at table User Role.

Hi there.

Thanks for the pointer to the User Setup table. I had forgotten about that one. Thanks!