Hi all We are running Attain 3.10A on a SQL platform. I know from our NSC that the proper way to develope and test new features is to restore a backup on a native base, that’s the way they do it, I have been told. My problem is that it’s almost impossible to make a restore. I have done it with succes a few times, but before I added new fields and tables. The error messages always refer to a field or table where I have added something, and the result i a restore whitout any data and whitout my changes[:o)] I am aware that it might be a simple little thing that I haven’t understand. Could anyone give me a little push forward? Best regards Karl
Hi, Karl Did you save-restore the application objects?
Hi Karl, There seems to be a problem with your backup. In case you are having trouble with full back, do partial: 1. Objects only first 2. Required Company Data(only for functional testing) This should solve your problem.
I saved the app. objects. The option to restore them is sometimes locked sometimes open, but using the option or not, it doesn’t seem to make any difference.
Originally posted by Rahimuddin
Hi Karl, There seems to be a problem with your backup. In case you are having trouble with full back, do partial: 1. Objects only first 2. Required Company Data(only for functional testing) This should solve your problem.
If it doesn’t, a granted workaround is to manually reproduce all the table changes on the target database, before restoring. [}:)] Anna
You will only be able to restore the Application objects into a NEW database. If you are restoring the backup into a database with objects/data already, the restore objects option will be greyed out and you will only be allowed to restore the data. I would recommend restoring the backup into a new database, and then you shouldn’t have any problems. If you need to restore into the existing database, you might try to import all of the objects from the FBK (File, Import, then pick the backup) first…once you do that, the data should restore into the existing structure with no problems.
Thank you very much. My problems according to to this question are solved. Best regards Karl