Report #81 - Automation Server error

[:D]Moin: When executing Report #81 (Import Budget from Excel) and selecting a file in the request form I get the following error message: Unable to create an instance for OLE control or the automation server GUID={F9043C85-F6F2-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}. Anybody out there who can tell me, what´s wrong? Regards Alarich

Try to recompile table 370 Excel Buffer. [;)]

S.K.: Thank you for your input. I´ve read this hint in a former thread and had already done this before posting my request. The table #370 (Excel buffer) is compilable without any problems and also is functionable. I can say this because I use this table in another module but without any file selection which seems to be the problem with report #81. Any other fine ideas? :wink: Regards Alarich

I get the same error. I would REALLY like some input on this.

Have you tried designing and recompiling the report (Import Budget from Excel)?!?!?! If you design the report and look at the varables of DataType automation, are these saying in the SubType “Unknown Automation Server.xxxxx”?!?!? You may need to delete the variables, save the object and then add them back in and re-save the object. Hope this helps

The Automation GUID you list is too short – there should be three groups of 4 chars in the middle… Did you mean {F9043C85-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}? If so, this is the GUID for the Microsoft Common Dialog Control, v6.0. The InprocServer32 for this control on my machine is located at ‘C:\WINDOWS\System32\comdlg32.ocx’. For more info, see the Technet article at:;en-us;183771 Is it possible that you need to re-register this control on your machine?

IT WORKED!!! I only had to re-register comdlg32.ocx on my machine Thx very much